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 n.  〔日语〕过劳死〔因工作长期过度劳累致死,亦作karoshi syndrome〕。  detail>>
go the way of
走...的道路, 重蹈...的覆辙  detail>>
go this way
走这条路  detail>>
go way
年经典动感中英文串烧  detail>>
go way to
给...让路  detail>>
way to go
就该这么做 (对了,就这么做) 做得好  detail>>
文化  detail>>
a long way to go
路途遥远  detail>>
dong way to go
长路迢迢  detail>>
go (the) wrong (way)
走错路  detail>>
go a good way
走了一大段路, 采取主动  detail>>
go a great way
走了一大段路, 采取主动  detail>>
go a little way
不大有作用 走一点点路  detail>>
go a long [good] way
大有益于  detail>>
go a long way
大有帮助, 走了一大段路 有用  detail>>
go a long way about
绕很多路  detail>>
go a long way in
大大有利于  detail>>